

How to Answer What Is Your Greatest Strength - With Examples


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How to Answer What Is Your Greatest Strength - With Examples

How to Answer What Is Your Greatest Strength - With Examples

​What is your greatest strength? This is a question that interviewers often ask in order to get to know you better. It can be tricky to answer, but luckily, there are a few tips that can help. If you're reading this, you are likely doing everything you can to prepare for your next interview, and that is great news.

In this post, we'll discuss how to identify your strengths and articulate them effectively in an interview. We'll also provide some examples of good responses to the "greatest strength" question. Read on for more helpful advice to help you prepare for your next interview.

How to prepare for an interview

When interviewers ask what your greatest strength is, they are looking to see if you have qualities that match this position. If you can answer this question well, you will show the interviewer that you are a good fit for the job. Here are some tips on how to answer this question, as well as some examples of strengths to use.

First, take some time to think about what your strengths are. This may require some soul-searching, but it is worth it to be prepared for this question. Once you have identified your strengths, make sure that you can give concrete examples of times when you have used them. The best way to do this is to use the STAR method.

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result.

So, instead of just saying where your strengths lie, you are going to give them an example of when you used your strength to excel in work.

Why do interviewers want to know your greatest strength?

When interviewers ask what your greatest strength is, they are trying to assess a few things. They want to see if you have qualities that match this position. They also want to see if you can effectively communicate what your strengths are. And finally, they want to get to know you better as a person.

This question allows the interviewer to understand what makes you tick and what motivates you. It also gives them insight into how you would approach work tasks and projects. If you can answer this question well, it will show the interviewer that you are a good fit for the job.

Some examples of strengths

Before we dive into how to answer the "greatest strength" question, let's take a look at some examples. Keep in mind that these are just examples. You will want to tailor your response to reflect your own individual strengths.

  • I am very organized and can always keep track of what needs to be done.

  • I work well under pressure and can meet tight deadlines.

  • I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm for my work.

  • I am very creative and often come up with new ideas.

  • I am a good problem solver and can find creative solutions to challenges.

These are just a few examples of strengths that you could use in your answer. Remember, the key is to be honest about what your strengths are and to be able to give concrete examples of times when you have used them.

How do you answer this question?

Now that you have some examples of strengths, let's take a look at how to answer the "greatest strength" question.

The first step is to think about what your strengths are. This may require some soul-searching, but it is worth it to be prepared for this question. Once you have identified your strengths, make sure that you can give concrete examples of times when you have used them. The best way to do this is to use the STAR method.

Your answer should be structured in the following way:

  • State your strength

  • Outline how this relates to your chosen field

  • Give an example of a time your strength came in useful

If you aren't sure if you have given enough detail at the end of answering the question, simply ask if they would like you to tell them more. This is a really effective way to avoid rambling during job interviews.

Example answers to "what is your greatest strength"

Now you know how to structure your answer, it's time to reflect on what your strengths are. Here are some example answers to help inspire you.

"I pride myself on my time management skills. I am very organized and can always keep track of what needs to be done. This strength has come in handy in my chosen field as project deadlines are often tight. One time, I was able to finish a project ahead of schedule which impressed my boss."

"I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm for my work. I find that this motivates me to achieve my goals. It also means that I am always willing to go the extra mile for my team. For example, last year I stayed late at work every day for two weeks to help launch a new product."

"I am very creative and often come up with new ideas. I like to think that I am a problem solver, not just in my own work, but I'm also able to use this skill to help those around me. In my previous position, I implemented a new project management system to help managers assign projects and to enable the team to collaborate more effectively."

"I work well under pressure and can meet tight deadlines. This strength has come in handy in my chosen field as project deadlines are often tight. One time, I was able to finish a project ahead of schedule which impressed my boss."

With these tips in mind, you should now be feeling more confident about how to answer the "greatest strength" question. It might feel daunting having to brag about yourself, but this is your time to shine!

Remember, the key is to be honest and to be able to give specific examples of times when you have used your strength. And remember, always link it back to the job you are applying for so that they can see you would be a perfect fit for the company and the role.